Friday, February 21, 2014

Better late than never

I know, I know, I had great expectations of writing this wonderful blog at least once a week.  Well to be honest with you I'm a little intimidated with writing where kids, parents, colleagues and strangers might read it.  I'm going to put my fears aside and give it a try.  Let me start by saying I write just like I talk, so please no judging.

A little about me - I grew up as an only child and I was playing school from as long as I can remember.  I wasn't a good reader at all and everybody knew I had ADHD from a very young age.  Now back in the early 70's there weren't many Dr.s who even knew how to help me.  Imagine me in a quiet, cold library - it wasn't fun for me or for Mrs. Alford.  She was my first librarian and as much as I wasn't a good fit for a library I LOVED it.  I think it must have been the smell or the beautiful book spines because it sure wasn't having to sit still at tables and being quiet.  I went on to become a teacher and loved every minute of it.  I found myself wanting to plan and work with the librarian and so it hit me - this is what I need to be doing, I want to be a Librarian.  And that is exactly what I did and I haven't looked back.  The role of JUST reading books and story time is long gone and technology has moved in.  If you think about it, it makes sense since we are Media Specialist.  Technology is a form of media.  I couldn't be happier with the changes in my job and my choices.

So this blog is going to be full of the ups and downs of the Media Center and me.  The changes we are going through and the joys of Donald Elementary.  Most importantly I will also write about Books, because they are my favorite things.

So Mo Williems is one of my favorite authors and Gerald and Piggie are 2 of my favorite characters.  If you haven't read them then you should.

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